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Athlete Services

Average Salary (Millions)
Average Career Length (Years)
Average Retirement Age (Years)
Declare Bankruptcy within 5 years of Retirement (%)

Athlete Services

The life of the professional athlete is one few will experience. Your goal is to perform at the peak of your ability with as few distractions as possible. With our longtime experience and extensive network in Nashville, Nativview is your reliable and efficient contact for:

•Short-term & Long-term Leasing
•Extended Hotel Accommodations
•Working with your Wealth Management to Develop a Real Estate Plan

Whether you are looking for a home for your family, an investment property for cash flow, or an in-season crash pad, call Nativview today to see how we can deliver for you.

Music Services

Average Salary (Millions)
Average Career Length (Years)
Average Retirement Age (Years)
Declare Bankruptcy within 5 years of Retirement (%)

Music Business Services

Publishing draws. Slow PRO payments. Touring schedules.

There are a lot of moving and unpredictable parts in the career of a professional in the music business. With roughly 40% of our closing volume originating within the creative space, there is no situation we cannot handle. Whether you are a songwriter who just signed your first publishing deal, or a road-seasoned touring artist, we are a one stop solution for:

•Remote Purchasing
•Coordination of All Parts of the Home Buying Process While You're Traveling

Contact Us

FiNd Us

1207B McGavock St
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: 615.255.4555
Email: [email protected]

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